
London metal exchange base metal futures prices fell by 4 days

London metal exchange (LME) base metal futures prices fell by 4 days, the day ended in addition to the price 45 degree short radius pipe fitting elbows increase of tin, other metals prices are lower than the previous session, with zinc prices fall and among them the most obvious.

Global economy turns good signs make metal demand outlook improves, August business activity in the euro zone and Welding Socket Weld slip on flange the best record for more than two years, orders for the first increase since the middle of 2011, suggests that the eurozone economy this season will be a slight increase. In addition, HSBC China services PMI rose to a five-month high in August. But on the other hand, the inhibition of the Syrian military strike risk investor risk appetite, metal prices fell.

Freeport mike mullen remove copper and gold mine company announced its glass located in Indonesia, the world's second scaffolding structural steel tube largest copper mine's copper shipments of force majeure. After the mine casualty accidents in May, has stopped operating in nearly four months. 4, close, the three-month copper's unofficial settled for $7134 a tonne, more than the previous trading day down $111, or 1.5%.Indonesia's largest tin tin exporter countries announced the force majeure and stop thermal expansion of seamless steel tubes shipment, this caused the market to supply concerns. 4, close, three-month tin's unofficial settled for $21870 a tonne, more than $295 in the previous session, up 1.4%.

In addition, 4 s, three-month aluminum unofficial settled for $1790 a tonne, more than the previous trading day down $31.5, or 1.7%. Three-month zinc unofficial settled for $1874 per ton, than the previous trading day down $34, fell 1.8%. The three-month lead the unofficial settled for $2142 a tonne, more than the previous trading day down $13, a 0.6% drop. Three-month nickel's unofficial settled for $13680 per ton, than the previous trading day down 20 dollars, or 0.1%.

